Donnerstag, 10. März 2011

Oase - Other Age Second Encounter

Oase - Other Age Second Encounter is a rgp and adventure game where you can choose between six anime character, discover a perfect hand drawn world where you have to finish quests and unravel mysterys, every of these six characters have aditional worlds and additional quests, you wont find with the other characters. If you want to test the game just play the online demo. You will also find a game trailer on their website. They are also hosting a complete walktrough for the different characters, to buy that game direct just visit this link.

Visit the official website here

Montag, 7. März 2011

Nuts & Scrap

Top arcade jump and run from Devilish Games with a nice designed roboter, you will never stop trying to arrive the next level and to finish this great game, you can jump about obstacle, avoiding get crashed from pillars falling from above or just defeating monsters with a laser weapon directly stored in the head of the roboter. This game is available for Linux, Zeta OS and Windows. You can download the free demo for all three OS here or just watching the gameplay video here. Click on the name of the OS to buy direct the game, windows version, linux version, zeta os version.

Visit the official website for Nuts & Scrap here

Sonoro TV

Great fun game with a completely new game concept, you know in all that jump and rum game you have to get to the exit of the level but the way you can walk is already hardcoded, ok you can choose different ways to arrive to the exit,but tell me a game where you can paint your own way straight to the exit, this concept together with the hand drawn character sprites will amuse you your whole life. Watch a gameplay video of the game here. If you want to test the game by yourself than download the windows demo here. If you dont want to test the game than buy the full version of the game here.

The Homepage of Sonoro TV of Devilish Games can be found here


Flotilla from Blendo Games is a high quality independent shareware game, which takes place in the space. Its a mixture between an adventure and strategie game. Find a gameplay preview video here. Or just compare your points with scores of other player worldwide on the online scoreboard. Download the free demo here or just buy the full version of the game here

Official website of the game can be found here